2023 Schedule
Elevate offers a full day of valuable professional development in the comfort and cleanliness of OKC's convention center. Whether it is during one of the two inspiring keynote remarks or during the applicable information shared during a breakout session, attendees will walk away from the event with new tools and motivation to take their career to the next level.
Check out all the speakers and sessions on the Speakers page.
Wondering which education session is right for you? Each session is included in at least one track:
Elevate Your Influence (geared toward people of all experience levels who want to grow as leaders)
Track sponsored by: LX Studio at the University of Central Oklahoma
Elevate Your Sales (geared toward people who are in sales)
Elevate Your Team (geared toward people who manage others)
Elevate Your Business (business development tips for small business owners, location managers and entrepreneurs)
Elevate Your Future (geared toward college students, interns and new professionals)
Track sponsored by: University of Oklahoma MBA Program​
Elevate Your Mindset (sessions to help both employees and managers boost their mental wellbeing and stress management skills)
If you identify with one of those categories, use this as a guide to start scheduling your day. You may also choose your own adventure based on the session topics and speakers that interest you. No matter what education session you choose, we are confident that you will find valuable lessons to apply to your career!
Pre-registration for breakout sessions is not available. Sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis until room capacity is met.
Education Sessions
10:15 to 11:15 a.m.
Second and third floors
Room 208A
The Top 5 Sales Limiters – and How to Eliminate Them
Mike Crandall
Track(s): Elevate Your Sales
Room 208B
Kicking it with Kindhearted Mentors:
Finding Your Perfect Fit
Jessica Martinez-Brooks
Track(s): Elevate Your Future
Room 209AB
Why It Matters:
The Social and Business Case for Workplace DEI
Dr. Natasha Mickel and Carrie McClain
Track(s): Elevate Your Business
Room 301B
Unstoppable Team Performance
Teresa Atkinson
Track(s): Elevate Your Team
Room 301C
Everyone is Not OK:
Ways to Support Employees through Personal Challenges
Cole Watts, LCSW, LCDC
Track(s): Elevate Your Mindset
Room 301D
Inclusion Reimagined:
The Truth About Inclusion in the Workplace
Shalynne Jackson
Track(s): Elevate Your Influence
Move to ballroom
11:15 to 11:30 a.m.
Make your way to the Painted Sky Ballroom for your next dose of inspiration during Elevate's lunch and keynote address.
Lunch | Keynote Address
11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Painted Sky Ballroom, fourth floor
Overcoming Adversity: My Personal Journey from Paralysis to Purpose
Emeka Nnaka
Therapist and Advocate for Hope
Emeka Nnaka will share his personal story of how he overcame adversity and found purpose after being paralyzed from the chest down. He will talk about how he lifted himself out of a dark place and became an inspiration to many.
Move to education session rooms
12:45 to 1 p.m.
Grab your hydration of choice and head to your first of two afternoon education sessions!
Education Sessions
1 to 2 p.m.
Room 208A
Mastering your CREDIT
Miriam Campos
Track(s): Elevate Your Future
Room 208B
Become A Fearless Organization
Dr. Layla Bokhari
Track(s): Elevate Your Team
Room 209AB
Sharpen the Saw: Self-Care & Self Renewal
Michael Shellabarger
Track(s): Elevate Your Mindset
Room 301B
Making an Impact Where You Are:
The Potential of Your Sphere of Influence
Bryan Estabrooks
Track(s): Elevate Your Influence
Room 301C
Selling Marquee Assets Through Data-based Storytelling
Will Syring & Alex Surette
Track(s): Elevate Your Sales
Room 301D
Security Awareness:
The Importance of Training and Testing Your Small Business Staff
Brad Thomas
Track(s): Elevate Your Business
Move | Refresh
2 to 2:15 p.m.
Check out the exhibitors outside the ballroom on your way to your final education session!
Education Sessions
2:15 to 3:15 p.m.
Second and third floors
Room 208A
It Takes a Village: Empowering Future Generations
Joan Stanolis
Track(s): Elevate Your Business
Room 208B
How to NOT Sound like every other Salesperson
Kari Chance-Moore
Track(s): Elevate Your Sales
Room 209AB
The 8 Obsessions of Everyday Innovators
Michael Shellabarger
Track(s): Elevate Your Influence
Room 301B
Equanimity: A Mindful Practice
Lauree Dash
Track(s): Elevate Your Mindset
Room 301C
The Mindful Leader
David McLaughlin, M.Ed, SHRM-SCP
Track(s): Elevate Your Team
Room 301D
Peopling 101
Sara Jane DelMonte
Track(s): Elevate Your Future
Move to ballroom
3:15 to 3:30 p.m.
Head to the ballroom for the closing keynote address!
Finale Keynote Address
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Painted Sky Ballroom, fourth floor
Meaningful Moments: How to Keep the Urgent from Hijacking What's Important
Dale Wilsher
Award-winning author & DISC personality trainer
With all the urgent demands that consume your schedule, there never seems to be enough time, depleting your energy and diminishing your productivity. At Elevate, Dale will provide practical tools to help you distinguish between the urgent and important, eliminate the trivial and choose the important so that you can make time for what really matters. By the end of her keynote, Dale will help you gain insight into your personality and the way you work, define goals to prioritize what is most important and shift your mind from reactive to intentional with easy brain hacks.
Closing Reception
4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Painted Sky Ballroom foyer and
outdoor patio
Elevate your connections and unwind at the closing reception after experiencing a day full of professional development and career education.
All conference attendees receive a complimentary drink ticket (look in the back of your name badge for the ticket).
Registration | Networking | Continental Breakfast
8 to 8:30 a.m.
Registration - Second-floor foyer,
south end
Breakfast - Painted Sky Ballroom,
fourth floor
Start the conference off right by grabbing your nametag, attendee bag and program guide and enjoy a power-boost breakfast and some early morning engagement with other attendees and exhibiting sponsors.
Welcome | Setting the Stage for the Day
8:35 to 8:50 a.m.
Painted Sky Ballroom, fourth floor
Learn what to expect from Elevate and how to make the most of the day's opportunities.
Move to education session rooms
8:50 to 9 a.m.
Head to your first education session!
Pre-registration for breakout sessions is not available. Sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis until room capacity is met.
Education Sessions
9 to 10 a.m.
Second and third floors
Room 208A
Battling Burnout
Danielle Ezell
Track(s): Elevate Your Team
Room 208B
Zero Stakes Creativity
Shannon Lockwood
Track(s): Elevate Your Mindset
Room 209AB
DISC Workshop: Using your Strengths to Rise
Dale Wilsher, PCC, CPLC, CCSP
Track(s): Elevate Your Influence
Room 301B
Surviving Imposter Syndrome
Tammy Overholt
Track(s): Elevate Your Future
Room 301C
How Brands Can Survive in the Complex, Crazy World of Digital Marketing
Mike Koehler
Track(s): Elevate Your Business
Room 301D
Consultative Selling
Tiffany English
Track(s): Elevate Your Sales
Move | Refresh
10 to 10:15 a.m.
Check out the exhibitors outside the ballroom on your way to the next session!